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3D Printer
Do you want to design a project using the 3D printer?
Read the FAQs below for more information.

Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What can I print?
As much as we would love to allow you to print anything and everything, the cost to print isn't cheap. In effort to provide as much opportunity for students to utilize the 3D printer, we have created a short form where you can explain the purpose for your item.
The goal is for you to design something that...
Will improve our school or community. Maybe there is a broken chair that needs repair? Maybe your teacher needs a doorstop? Maybe the zipper pull on your friend's bookbag broke?
Will solve a problem or address an issue. Our world faces many problems, both big and small. Maybe you could create a prototype to help solve one of these problems?
Will be incorporated into a Makerspace project. Maybe the treasure box you are creating needs a hinge? Maybe you are designing a new and improved videogame controller using Makey Makey and want to 3D print the base?
Will extend a concept or skill that you have learned in class. Maybe you are learning about Astronomy and want to print the planets to create a mobile?
While there are many websites out there that have pre-made 3D designs, we want YOU to be the designer. After all, anyone can steal a design offline, but only YOU can design something unique.
Q: What software should I use to create my design?
We will be using Tinkercad to design our projects. Tinkercad is a free web-based 3D design software. A signed parent permission form is required for students under the age of 13. A teacher will create your account once the form is handed in. Please stop by the library to pick up a form.
Students over the age of 13 may create their own accounts in Tinkercad by going to and clicking "Join Now".
Hershey Middle School teachers are always looking for additional free software or apps that work well for 3D design. If you have a suggestion, please let us know!
Q: What kind of printer does the Makerpsace have?
We use a MakerBot Replicator 5th Generation.
Q: How long will it take for my design to be printed?
It depends on the design. A simple design may only take 45 minutes to print. A more intricate design may take 4 hours or more.
Designs will be printed in the order in which they are received. Once your design is printed, a teacher will email you to let you know.

Ready to submit your design for printing?
Use one of these tools to design your creation!


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